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tv   Headline News  RT  November 1, 2013 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the in the. iraq's prime minister asked the world for help in fighting terror in his country as archie looks at the numbers which suggests there's been a rapid rise of insurgency across the whole planet. with fingers being pointed in the us over who's responsible for spying on european leaders at work snowden says he's ready to share his knowledge of the n.s.a.'s activities with germany. bombing a sovereign country and getting away with that israeli warplanes reportedly strike syria yet again they will deny it one could. put everybody knows they get this in the midst of syria's civil war as the government tries to meet international obligations and complete the first stage of its chemical disarmament plus. from cruising three soluble space to banged up in prison to what
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considered governments britain looks to reinforce its new cyber defense force with convicted hackers but not all the cyber criminals are keen to sign up. it's seven pm here in moscow you're watching r c ominous now with our top story this evening iraq's prime minister is in the u.s. asking for help to find the kind of terror attacks that are ripping his country apart on a daily basis. well you know the theater. then we want an international war a global war against terror if the situation in iraq is not treated properly it will be disastrous for the whole world what we are saying is that the international community is responsible as well well he's been in washington
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a series of bombings have rocked his home country at least twenty three lives were claimed by violence in various regions of iraq all of this adds to a global wave of attacks which could make twenty thirteen the deadliest year for terrorism in history beating twenty twelve's death toll of fifteen thousand and as r.t. is going to can reports the most active terror groups are all aligned with al-qaeda even twelve years after the u.s. launched a war against it. terrorist attacks have more thing since two thousand and one when the u.s. began its war on terror the number of attacks and fatalities has reached a record high the national consortium for the study of terrorism and responses to terrorism estimates last year alone there were more than eight thousand five hundred terrorist attacks worldwide they killed more than fifteen thousand five hundred people across africa asia and the middle east you walk faces an incredible
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surge of violence this year they recorded six thousand civilian deaths here is how terrorists skyrocketed in iraq following the u.s. invasion in two thousand and three. the iraqi prime minister is here in washington he just said his nation is facing quote a war of genocide and that the revolutions in the region have made it worse. what is a power vacuum that's created another terrorist organizations were able to exploit its and gaining ground they benefit from the fall of state structures terrorists now flocked to syria for safe haven and the firth of syria is from a deal between the opposition and the government the closer it is to becoming the failed state where al-qaeda and groups similar to al qaeda rule the day so as all these countries iraq syria libya face growing terror washington says they decimated al qaeda leadership and al qaeda is not as dangerous as before as
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a result of the enormous pressure we've put on the group we've eliminated all of al qaeda senior leadership in afghanistan and pakistan and because the current leaders leaders of al qaeda core so worried about their personal safety they're far less able to plan attacks but the words don't match his numbers if anything during the years of washington's war on terror care only grew in washington i'm going to. now africa is seeing a surge of radicalism our two spoke to iraq war veteran michael prysner about the issue and he believes the first step to stopping all of this shutting down the drone campaigns. the first thing that would go on a really long way to changing that situation is closing down all of the u.s. military bases that are in over one hundred thirty countries around the world many of them muslim countries ending the regular drone strikes that take place on these countries and of course kind of a daily terrorism and acted by the united states against other countries through
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drones you know that there's this term that they use to justify all of this is termed american exceptionalism which of course is an offensive term to many people but it's real meaning is that the exception is that the u.s. considers itself having the right to attack anybody in the world at any time to kill anybody in the world at any time to torture anybody in the world at any time to arrest anybody in the world at any time that it to spy on anyone in the world at any time but that is that their definition of american exceptionalism which is driving this. dr while it as far as director of the future terrorism project says brute force won't be enough to get rid of terrorism it's ideological roots should be pulled out first the growth of those you hardest production meaning that many ideological schools indoctrinating radicalizing and creating
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a much wider demography of the hottest and then you have another structure that is al qaida or a variety of other jihadist groups and in many countries who are recruiting so the pool is getting larger problem is that over the past few years the administration policy makers in the united states are not knowledge of the fact that behind that in addition to political issues that verse around the world there is one common root which is the ideology so if we don't identify the ideology if we don't work with civil society if we don't work with moderates in the arab and muslim world and in other regions as well if we don't have a plan for that. in addition to just sending drones and military operations we're not going to be able to stop recruitment to al qaida and. so the war on terror rumbling on peter lavelle today and his guest discussed america's use of drones to fight militants in pakistan and the consequences for the people of the country crosstalk is coming up later today. jolie she was something that we can talk about
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and we should talk about and we should change it really has to be from the american people who are starting to get educated about this issue and starting to organize and protest you know we demand others to live up to a standard of accountability that we don't hold up to ourselves. countering terrorism is still the main argument american politicians used to justify spy programs but some u.s. authorities are more or less admitting it's gone too far at least according to the latest comments made by america's secretary of state john kerry said that these activities were taking place without his or the president's knowledge happening on automatic pilot because the technology and the ability are there but the n.s.a. chief question diplomats attempts to plead ignorance following comments from a former u.s. ambassador that surveillance on foreign leaders has little to do with national security keith alexander suggested it's the policymakers who decide who to monitor
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including ambassadors well a rift is growing in washington's political establishment as the block is passed over who is responsible for the spying which is called a loss of trust at home and among allies and that breach of trust in germany could see edward snowden come to berlin to testify over the u.s. tapping of chancellor angela merkel's phone in a letter to german authorities the former n.s.a. contractor expressed hope the growing support for what he did will prompt washington to abandon what he called harmful behavior. has the details according to the member of the german parliament edward snowden is they're willing to come to germany and to supply again. and they say of course that is the story that is being told by the opposition member of the german parliament who has met with mr snowden in moscow on thursday and the former n.s.a. contractor has actually issued an entire letter address it to the german chancellor angela merkel in which he said that he would be more than willing to come and testify because he knows a lot about the n.s.a.
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exhibits he's not just in europe but in the entire world he would be happy just to talk about that but he can only do that have berlin guarantees him a safe passage meaning that takes you on the extra added to the united states on top of that edward snowden of course doubted that she would be more than willing to testify not a villain but in washington unfortunately that is impossible. the moment of course at this point n.s.a. in germany find himself in sort of hot water considering the fact that it has been revealed that in this day has been listening to the private phone conversations all german chancellor angela merkel of regarding edward snowden's life in russia where he has been since june well according to his own russian lawyer that snowden has gotten a job with one of russia's top internet companies as a technical specialist however we do not know which company that it is because of course of the security measures. well we also had a chance to speak to a tourist areas lawyer in russia an attorney today on like he told us the whistleblower would not necessarily have to travel to germany to testify. of course
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edward snowden can't leave russia because he's got refugee status here and if he travels to a different country he loses it so germany has any questions for mr snowden this could be resolved through treaties exist between germany and russia and edward wouldn't have to travel there to testify the level of danger is still high but we hear comments from the u.s. government almost on a daily basis that edward is still on the wanted list we've done everything possible to ensure his security. surveillance and wiretapping goes i wouldn't comment on that because those who have been following the situation around snowden know what u.s. intelligence is capable of. edward snowden is inspiring others to fight for internet privacy and data protection later this hour we'll talk to the president of an encrypted communications server who wants to make all e-mail safe from spy also
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after a break report on how cyber criminals in the u.k. are getting a second chance if they agree to change sides stay with us. recently a u.n. report an investigation by human rights groups make it abundantly clear obama's joan policies may constitute war crimes under international law the white house dismisses these claims it would appear washington reserves the exceptional right to murder with impunity.
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more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are. israel launched another strike inside syria according to us media reports citing an official inside the white house the target was a military base in the west of the country which stored a missile arsenal apparently destined for hezbollah in lebanon well the israeli military has refused to confirm or deny the attack near the port city of latakia even took place but this is not the first time the country has been accused of breaching syria's sovereignty and bombing targets there have been really similar
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attacks this year in january may and july the israeli leadership refused to confirm them as well analysts say this will continue to happen as long as a powerful ally has israel's back. you do not have the right to attack another sovereign nation and israel and i was done that and if we had a functioning government according to war and we went function according to war this would be condemned and israel would be reprimanded enforced behaves like a sovereign nation it would deny it one couldn't. but everybody knows they did it and that's the way they operate. in the legal policy that has really stepped it and should not be accepted and the only reason it is accepted is because the president united states obama allies were to occur otherwise you could not agree. syria may now have destroyed all of its equipment used to produce toxic weapons but the job
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is just beginning this is the first time a nation has gone through a process of chemical disarmament during a time of war and as artie's policy reports from damascus that makes the task far from straightforward dangerous and do see that's how the nobel prize committee described the work of chemical weapons inspectors inside syria not to mention a brutally tight deadline october twenty five damascus provides a detailed plan of its chemical weapons stockpiles done october twenty seven foreign inspectors visited all declared sites missed and by today syria finishes destroying all equipment used in the production and mixing of poison gas and nerve agents done yesterday we should eliminate i mean whatever we can but you know this is a very complicated process complications filled by so called security concerns and that's the reason why one deadline already has been missed one of the biggest
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problems the tween faces is how to access sites in rebel controlled areas so far the rebels have been unwilling to cooperate part inspectors have managed to visit twenty one of twenty three sites and although they haven't verbally blamed the rebels damascus insists it's doing its share until now. those. sites being visited are under government control and we hope those who are controlling the. group still them to implement what they are expected to implement it's the most difficult mission if undertaken by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons destroying a country's chemical weapons stockpile in the midst of a civil war two women are syria actually stop producing chemical weapons in one thousand nine hundred eight as a possessed alternatives that can be a strategic substitution and are not in conflict with international law but none of this answers the reason why foreign and. pickton is in damascus in the first place a chemical attack on august twenty first in which hundreds of people were killed
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over two rockets with seven gets fired at damascus the suburbs those responsible austerlitz knowledge the next deadline in the destruction of syria's chemical weapons program is the middle of next year by then damascus must have destroyed removed its entire stock and ambitious timeline in very difficult circumstances. damascus. well there's always plenty more for you on our website including jetsetting life to cut. out the story of how you think from barcelona to london it may save you money compared to life in the british capital details in our new section. also a u.s. judge shuts down a doctor's attempt to make the public aware of the health risks of cracking a darkie dot com for the whole story.
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internet firms are taking matters into their own hands to protect data from the prying n.s.a. two companies that used to offer encrypted e-mail services before being forced to shut down are now teaming up to try and make any server secure we can now talk to the president co-founder of one of them philip zimmerman from silent circle he joins us from bucharest in romania thanks for being with us silent circle and lava but they're called are the first two members of the dark alliance what exactly do you want to achieve and why such a sinister name. actually i was against the sinister name i think ok so it would be better to pick something big something a little lighter well what are your partners say why did they choose that name. oh because they're not very good at names. ok well what do you want to go and what do you want with their names. what we're trying to do is. we're trying to
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restore the privacy that we feel that has been lost by pervasive surveillance email is intercepted by intelligence agencies all around the world and we've discovered through the snowden revelations that. our own government is spying on its own citizens who turned all americans into foreigners as if we were. you know intelligence targets not just americans they're spying on the whole world and you call yourselves the rebels who fight to bring privacy back to the internet who exactly are you fighting against to make that happen. well we're trying to push back and. say.
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ok we're very sorry we seem to have lost your sound philip zimmerman such a shame so wanted to hear what you had to say about this project president and co-founder of silent circle a global encrypted communications server let's to try to reconnect and record you somehow we want to hear what you have to say about this very interesting story. well in britain those who have found themselves on the wrong side of cyber laws are being given the chance for redemption by joining the cyber defense force computer specialist could find themselves working alongside regular armed forces to defend national security but many hackers are less than willing to be a part of it smith found out why. the life and times of. britain from cruising three so i have a space to banged up in prison so what can for the government as details of the u.k.'s proposed defense schools mudge officials admit they're considering hiring
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convicts it's just. the implication is that in black and white that it's ok for governments to have people but if people had governments it's a cry most of. us can but he paid the price and is now studying computer science soon he'll be looking for a job but he will be looking to the government think it's quite. the government doesn't trust. because other people would still be. state sponsored religion can be should be trained you can feel it's just. trying to help governments to to reach the fulfilment presumably based on intelligence from m i six and the plan is to get g c h q the communications agency to help train up the . volume of the revelations that you know. within full didn't.
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it doesn't exactly have the best reputation at the moment but maybe the woods national security have become time to bow to swearing given all the. studies i've ever seen it is quite difficult to buy into just. national security especially when national security seems to be so often infringe on basic civil liberties experts say even the name is a misnomer. it's a cyber wars where you just. have attack capabilities to. any foreign power perceived as a threat if the future of walls is in. still working just taking a government salary for it. we do in fact have philip zimmerman back on the line live on the line from romania president co-founder of silent circle sorry about those are our ties are our line there i just want to bring our audience if they're
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just honest up to date your company is just recently lost is basically fighting to try to make sure all of our e-mails are secure we've heard a lot of outrage from heavyweight e-mail producers like google or yahoo over and i say spying do you believe they may venture early join your initiative this movement are you going to fight against them possibly well we hope. that our protocol will be widely accepted we think that it restores a lot of privacy that we used to enjoy in our private conversations that we can bring that to email. but i don't think that they're going to immediately embrace this there's still a lot of inertia in the old protocols for email so it will be a gradual process you want to make although we know that surveillance of expressed interest you want to make all e-mail surveillance proof is that even possible
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it's not. we can't make everything surveillance proof but what we can do is try to reduce the amount of exposure of e-mail metadata that's the data that says what the man who it's from who wants to date and time. many years ago i developed encryption software for e-mail called p.g.p. and that encrypted the contents of the e-mail but it did nothing to protect the mail headers that say who it's from and who it's to and these days the method data in the mail header is is really important for being able to surveil a society and see who's talking to who have you so far experienced any kind of obstacles to your plans from the authorities. well so far most of what we've been doing at silent circle is to offer phone calls encrypted phone calls and encrypted short text messages and we have actually received
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a lot of interest from government as customers. they mean for example the f.b.i. came to our office a few months ago and they came in i thought they were there to try to put pressure on us but instead they were there to ask about pricing. we sell to the u.s. military we sell to a few intelligence agencies. to the british military the canadian military so we actually get a lot of. government customers that respect what we do and they like what we do. to ship to the most part. is there any danger that criminals or terrorists even could use this service and do something terrible i mean get their plans past the parties yes there is a danger of that and that worries me a great deal it is always worried me throughout the years i worked in this field.
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with p.g.p. twenty years ago i was worried about it and bad guys do use it but i can't think of a way and all other cryptographers have felt this way too we don't know how to make this technology available to the entire population without it also being available to criminals and terrorists and all kinds of bad guys but think about how they use other technologies the nine eleven hijackers purchased g.p.s. receivers to guide their airplanes to their targets what are we supposed to do about that do we stop selling g.p.s. receivers because al qaeda might use it. it's the same with many technologies and this is very tough question philip zimmerman president co-founder of silent circle global encrypted communications server thank you so much for joining us for more. protests in rome over elling housing policies left six people injured most of them
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police officers security forces yours tear gas to disperse the provocative crowd demanding the government control accommodation costs and stop massive expense to who witnessed the violence as clashes were inevitable what i saw is that there were some people. who came to the demonstration with the helmets and so i think that intention was really to start the fight with the police and also to have a peaceful protest i think the police and the situation correctly if they're only hostile to was to hold the smoke bombs but only because they are being attacked by the protesters i think what happened is very symbolic of what is happening right now in the news show on the go and isn't really much caring about the protests because i think they have bigger issues like the survival of the government and so . you find the best images as well as the background of what's causing the on rust
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in rome online the report is only a few clicks away for you. up next on our t.v. get the lowdown on why the dole food company did all they could to kill off a documentary critical of the business john. wealthy british sign a long. time to. go. markets . scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. language at all but i will only react to
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situations i have read the reports and let me push the no i will leave them to stay current a comment on your latter point i come on to say that if mr k. car is all you're talking. no more weasel words. when you have a direct question be prepared for a change when you throw a punch be ready for a. pretty tough speech and down to freedom to cost. it's not to say that your story isn't given the fan voice given fair coverage from your perspective but it's something that they have got better relationships with the press the new and that being stupid is not to be using those to their advantage but. i know understand that i'm up against the machine employing
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scare tactics need to control p.r. spin and dirty tricks these lobbying and public relation firms provide a variety of services among the services and some of these firms provide is to actually plant opinion pieces or what we call op ed in american newspapers. they have people on staff who do nothing but sit around all day and write up an opinion piece then they'll go out to a tank or to a university and recruit someone there with a big name to put their name on the piece and then they will plant the piece in an american newspaper when we got the position and so does david ginsburg declaration i was personally surprised he's in the l.a. copyright society an organization i was president of one time and i.


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